I'm no longer in professional life, but your article has triggered me to think about what I'm doing and why. I'll give your article another read, it's very thoughtful, written in a style that shows an emotional engagement with your professional purpose [does that make sense?] 🌞

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Wonderful read, hits the chord, its so serendepitous that I was thinking in terms of slow productivity term I was introduced by Carl Newports book. Of coursw timely topic dicussed in many ways by other authors like Eckhart Tolle and others. Issue is the chronos time itself is not under your control especially depends on the work environment. Ofcourse we can always have kairos under our control. Which brings back to self awareness.itz definitely a constant tug of war with our own identities personal and professional.

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Appropo de asta “ do we always know what aspects of our work we like best? What fills us with energy? And, conversely, what drains our energy?”

Pe mine m-au ajutat niste exercitii din cartea Designing your life, check it out:

Interesting and relevant topic, which reminded me of these two exercises I did from the Designing your life book. It can help you be more aware of what gives you energy and bring more meaning into your work and life.



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So much this! I try similarly to do these kinds of things.

Doesn't always work out but at least reminds and refocuses me.

Helps manage the stressors of multiple simultaneous workflows and demands. :)

Thank you for sharing

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